The Empire Builder

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

The Vision - An Opportunty

The Vision - An Opportunity -

Do we have the power to really change the world like Henry Ford, Andrew Carnegie or John D. Rockefeller and our very own Bill Gate’s.

Can we create an enormous number of products, services and living quarters such that they all qualify as higher quality than has ever so far been seen, are available for a lower price than any of these have previously been available and at the same time while paying the working artisans of the entire world more than they have ever been paid for doing such work while also creating a system whereby they not only receive their salaries but residual income for the rest of their lives -

Who on this planet is up to this worthwhile goal Globally?

thank you!


Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A Starting Point

"AMAZON0000000061 " - Copyright: Walter Paul Bebirian--

Right or Wrong or Whether or not this cornerstone will last until even tomorrow I will use this and the story behind it as the basis for my Empire.

Primary Conclusion to OK

After a little bit of thought I realize that all of life is an illusion or at least all of life only lasts for a very short while -a job, for example that lasts for days, weeks or months will seem as if it is expanding to take up my entire life and that there is nothing else in the world that I am getting to do because this particular job is taking over "everything". I even imagine when so wrapped up in such a job that everyone else's job around me is also so connected to and overwhelmingly taking over other people's lives, and so it may seem to them as well.

If I leave that particular job and am no longer actively thinking about it at least for a few days and then I go on to something else, my entire world becomes absorbed in that "something else" and it begins to seem (from a certain perspective) that the prior job does not even exist anymore at all despite the fact that is very well may still exist for some other person and appear to be taking ver their lives at the current moment in time.

The same thing appears to happen when a person looks back over an entire lifetime to the point at which they are at, and everythig prior become distorted time wise so that an event that took place perhaps 50 or so years before feels or appears to have taken place just yesterday and while a person is focusing on that particular event - all else seems to almost have not existed at all.

So in light of this I am very condfident that while building my Empire (or any empire for that matter) on this or that cornerstone it is entirely irrelevant as to which cornerstone I begin with and as to what are the qualities of any of these potential cornerstones, and that the only important factor is that the building begins - From there all else will fall into place as if a painting on a canvas is being produced.

Thursday, September 15, 2005

A Basic Plan

Even a collector of stamps will have an album which gives him or her a basic outline to follow and set-up the collection to be either just U.S. stamps or divides them up into the various possible countries to collect the stamps of - this is an outline or basic plan by which to go by.

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


The idea behind someone being in your target market or
not seems
fine from one perspective, but do you remember the
Beatles, and if you do - do you remember when was the
first time that you heard their music?

I do - back in the 60's and I believe that the first
time I heard some of their songs I did not like them -
not that much, but then sooner or later they turned up
on the Ed Sullivan show, and hearing them with
thousands of screaming girls in the background changed
my listening capacity for what they were playing, and
then they came to Forest Hills for their first live
concert in the U.S. where they were flown in by
helicopter, and my Friend bought a whole row of seats
6 rows away from them and gave me my ticket free!

I went of course and will never forget the deafening
screams, the pink hair rollers the girls were throwing
down with their phone numbers and love letters stuck
in them and then there was the girl who was sitting
next to me, who when the Beatles got on stage and the
crowd jumped up with unbounded energy and I stood up
with all of the others around me, all of us standing
on the chairs, this girl, this complete stranger threw
her arms around me, I was thirteen at the time and too
embarrassed to remember anything else, but from that
time on at least I was intent on learning what those
words and music were saying to the people there and
around the world and how I could tap into the
"electric juice" as I thought of it, that electrified
my entire world eventually, because I saw that even my
father, who at one time did not like that Beatle Music
stuff, eventually when it was toned down for his ears
as able to listen to it in a jazzed up way and maybe
some of it in it's original raw state as well.

So in reality, nobody in the beginning is part of
anyone's "market" until and unless they are exposed to
whatever it is that is being presented and
persistently enough, along with enough energy
enthusiasm and pier reinforcement so that they soon
become willing at least to listen to what is
happening with the girl next door! And then the music
become part of them!!!

This if course is my opinion, but even one of the
Rockefeller's has a quote right their in Rockefeller
Center about persistence being the most important key
to success - so I certainly hope eventually that you
become one of my fans:

thank you!


Monday, May 16, 2005

Remove the Emotions

from so many of the things we do and then we are merely taking the steps to create what it is that we want!

Monday, May 09, 2005

Nothing is Difficult

Nothing is Difficult and we can always improve - even if it is ever so slightly -

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Kerkorian and GM

It looks like Uncle Kirk may be attempting to get involved with GM and begin working on straightening this comapany out - and if the management of GM doesn't think this is the way to go - they certainly haven't proven able to create much positive results up until now - in fact the rating of their bonds along with those of Ford to "junk " status right after the announcement of Kerkorian's desire to purchase more GM shares says much for the program that the current management has taken and just how unsuccessful it has been - I look forward to seeing if there are some big changes to come -